Monday, April 12, 2010

Just an update on my last post.... my visit to the doctor went as planned.....

I saw the nurse practitioner, she took my vitals 3 to be exact, my blood pressure, my oxygen levels, and my temperature. The doctor came in and listened to my lungs and confirmed my situation. I recieved a sheet of prescriptions 3 to be exact, and of course the sample of another prescription, total of 4 now. This took a total of 15 minutes, and now at check-out the cashier wants $87.40!!!! IN FULL, NOW TO THE PHARMACY.
My 3 prescriptions came to $66.30, Steroids, Antibiotics and anti-inflamation stuff.
And yes, we do have insurance, supposedly pretty good insurance to boot!!!
By the way, I am feeling better, but my HUSBAND, is home sick today.
Go figure.
We went for a car ride yesterday, down through the chain lakes to see the spring wildlife.
This time of year, most of the birds are pairing up and preparing for their nesting together.
We saw Blue Herrons, many kinds of ducks and this is a picture of an Opsrey Nest,
they love the tops of the power poles!!!! In the first picture, you can see one bird in the nest and the other one coming in to land.

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